Saturday, January 3, 2015

Self Conducted Interview

Just to prove how crazy I really am- here's a self-conducted interview

FAQs, ABCs, & XYZs

How old are you?
I'm like mentally 85 sometimes and  some days I act like a 4-year-old.
But my mom tells me to act my age which is 18- and really scary because that means I'm an adult and stuff.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
 I don't know yet. Ideally I'd just write and take pictures and help foreign children. But that's not really a huge money maker. So I'm thinking trophy wife.

Are you single?
Hellz yeah. If you aren't turned off by the general weirdness of this blog- hit me up boyzz

You call yourself a language aficionado? 
Well... um yes. If you count three kind of half-assed languages. I consider myself fairly fluent in English. And maybe half-fluent in German. I'm working on Spanish. Also I can sign the phrase, "One day I hungry," in American Sign Language, so there's that.

Most rebellious thing you've ever done?
One time I wore yoga pants into a Catholic school.

What are your retirement plans?
After a fulfilling life- contrary to my family's belief I will not become a cat lady- I plan to acquire a 1970s hippie van and turn it into a mobile floral shop. Also I will have lavender hair because I will be old and therefore will not care what others think.

Something the world needs less of? 
Children on leashes at supermarket. Seriously. Hold your child's hand or put them in a stroller.

Is it hot in here?
Nahh it's just me.

You're pretty chill. How can I get a hold of you?

Insta- @hannah_olson13


Twitter- @hannah_banana_o


Hope you got to know me a little better- I'd love to read your own self conducted interview in the comments!

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